
How to get a successful work placement

So, you’ve decided to take some time out from your studies to go and get some hands on experience in a placement. You’ve had jobs before, but this time it’s different – this time it’s serious. A 12 hour contract at Primark isn’t going to help you score your dream job in a few years’ time, but a placement in a successful company where you thrive and gain knowledge you wouldn’t have gotten anywhere else? – that’s gonna impact your career and make your CV stand out amongst the sea of graduates applying for the same role.

But, how do you get a placement? Where do you start …

Updating Your CV

First things first, making sure your CV is up to date will help you secure a good placement. Ask yourself – is this relevant? Listing the 12 jobs you’ve had since turning 16 isn’t going to be as impressive as a more detailed account of the skills you’ve got that make you good for the job! There’s also the little things to look at, is your info up to date? Your address correct? Does this make me sound like an expert or more of a Jack of all trades?

For help writing up your CV – check these out:

Finding the right placement

So, you’ve updated your CV ready for your placement – but now you’re stuck…. Where do you find one? There are lots of avenues that you can go down in order to find a good placement. You want to fit in somewhere that is going to not only benefit your studies, but also teach you about life beyond university! Put down the pot noodle and pick up the laptop, it’s time to go job hunting!!

Many universities have links to companies that offer placements. Your lecturer would be able to give you suggestions on where to contact, what to look for and when to start looking. Once you’ve got an idea of what kind of company you want to go to, you can look on websites such as

But, you don’t need to stop there – if you are looking for something specific, you can contact companies directly. Don’t be shy, take initiative and send them an email with CV attached explaining why you’ve chosen them in particular.

You can use the great world of social media to also boost your career prospects, Linkedin Twitter and Facebook can be used to help jump start your search.

What about a placement with us?

If you think you’ve got what it takes, you can apply here:

Read a blog from our current placement students here: 

If you want to know why you should look at getting a placement, these pages put it perfectly: